Startup life is a balancing act
By Sven Bakkes, Founding Partner LUMO Labs
How can founders and investors have more positive impact?
By Britta Gruenig, Impact Officer & Coach LUMO Labs
Tools for trust
By Lorna Goulden, Venture Advisor LUMO Labs & Andy Lürling, Founding Partner LUMO Labs
Diversity improves long-term operational excellence
Interview with Dagmar van Ravenswaay Claasen, LUMO Labs Scientific and Industry Board member
LUMO Labs makes first TTT.ai pre-seed investment in LUMC innovation partner Autoscriber
Press release September 7, 2021
LUMO Labs announces investment in urban sports & culture community platform CityLegends
Press release July 22, 2021
Four Dutch start-ups win trip to Silicon Valley
Draper’s Silicon Summer Pitch Prize, a partnership between Draper University, LUMO Labs, Braventure and High Tech Campus Eindhoven
LUMO Labs and BOM: Working on the same puzzle
Interview with Gert-Jan Vaessen, Manager Brabant Ventures at the Brabant Development Agency (BOM)
AlphaBeats: We’re now plugged in to LUMO Labs’ global network of innovators and investors
Interview with Han Dirkx and Jur Vellema, Founders of portfolio company AlphaBeats
Meet our groundbreaking new neighbor – The AI Innovation Center
Interview with Paul van Son, Innovation Manager at High Tech Campus Eindhoven