Jorge Blasco

Venture Partner Spain&Portugal
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Great things happen when you love what you do because you try harder and last longer.

Working in the family business as a teenager taught me that being an entrepreneur is not just about dealing with challenges in the market, but just as much about facing emotional and mental challenges. For me, entrepreneurship means the ability to see opportunities where others see problems and the audacity to pursue them.

During the same time, through my studies in Industrial Engineering at the Universitat de Catalunya, I was able to participate in technological experiments and developments in Computer-Aided Design and Finite Element crash test simulation, which eventually allowed me to land a job pioneering in this space in the automotive industry.

the ability to see opportunities where others see problems

These experiences forever shaped my mindset, engrained a passion for technology and innovation in my very core, and rocket-fueled my curiosity. To quote a fellow Spaniard and one of the greatest, groundbreaking artists of all time, Picasso: “Everything you can imagine is real.”

However, there was a fundamental lesson in making what I imagined as real for others as it was for myself, that I quickly had to figure out the hard way as a first-time founder. In my first startup, I tried to handle everything myself, believing I could and should control every detail. This led to burnout and nearly sank the venture. That experience taught me the critical importance of trust and delegation, understanding that a co-founding team’s collective strength far surpasses individual efforts.

a co-founding team’s collective strength far surpasses individual efforts.

Although all the ventures that I have been involved in have been enriching, I am most proud of co-founding Boutique Secret, a tech startup based on an innovative flash sale e-commerce business model fifteen years ago. We were pioneers in the early days of e-commerce, impacting millions of lives using new technologies to provide fast and affordable access to basic family products such as diapers. The company was eventually acquired by the Bertelsmann media group.

As an investor and mentor, I believe I can add the most value during the initial stages of a company, guiding founders from ideation to product-market fit and scale-up execution. With my experience in creating technology companies from the ground up, finding first customers, scaling commercially, and preparing for a potential exit, I offer insights to help transform abstract ideas into highly scalable, impactful products.

To the founders of the startups we invest in at LUMO, I promise to provide honest and relentless support. When things don’t turn out as planned, founders can count on me for hands-on mentorship, strategic advisory, opening doors, and, above all, moral and emotional support.

My most important allies are my family, who provide me with unwavering support and grounding. They also give me purpose. Witnessing the birth of my first son filled me with a powerful sense of responsibility and urgency to leave him a better world. The birth of my second son/daughter only strengthened this resolve.

As an impact-driven investor, I want to make a difference that resonates beyond the immediate and leave a positive legacy of progress, compassion, and hope for my children and future generations.

I want to make a difference that resonates beyond the immediate leave a positive legacy of progress, compassion, and hope for my children and future generations.

Throughout, I am grateful to be able to rely on my close personal friends and the many exceptional people I have met professionally. Their support, advice, and encouragement are an invaluable and indispensable source of inspiration.

Being associated with the business school and teaching at ESADE is also a source of inspiration, continuous learning, and new perspectives and connections.

I met Andy, the founding partner of LUMO Labs, at a crowded investor dinner in Valencia. A casual conversation turned into a deep discussion about shared visions from different perspectives about technology, the impact of venture capital, and the (untapped) business and impact potential of Spanish startups.

The strategic insight and deep market knowledge that enables us at LUMO to identify high-potential investments is invaluable and unique. The global network of the combined partner team provides key industry access, enhancing our support for portfolio companies.

I love what we are doing at LUMO, and I love how we are doing it. Se avecinan cosas buenas 😉

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